How to Install libgcc on AlmaLinux

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Installing libgcc on AlmaLinux


In the world of Linux, libraries play a crucial role in ensuring that software applications run smoothly and efficiently. One such important library is libgcc. Libgcc is a library that provides low-level runtime support for the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) on Linux systems. This library contains functions used by the compiler to perform operations that are not directly implementable in the target language. In simpler terms, libgcc helps in executing certain operations that are required by programs compiled using GCC.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Update Package Repositories

Before installing libgcc, it’s always a good practice to ensure that your package repositories are up to date. Run the following command in your terminal:

sudo yum update

2. Install libgcc

Now, to install libgcc on your AlmaLinux system, use the following command:

sudo yum install libgcc

3. Verify Installation

To verify that libgcc has been successfully installed, you can use the following command to check the version:

libgcc --version

If the installation was successful, you should see the version information displayed on your terminal.


In conclusion, libgcc is an essential library that provides crucial support for programs compiled using the GNU Compiler Collection on Linux systems. By installing libgcc, you ensure that your system has the necessary components to run GCC-compiled applications efficiently. Remember to keep your libraries and packages updated to maintain a secure and stable system environment.

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