ps command not found - Fedora

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How to Install and Use ps Command on Fedora

In the world of Linux, the ps command is a powerful utility used for displaying information about running processes. Whether you are a system administrator, a developer, or simply a curious user, understanding how to use ps can provide valuable insights into the inner workings of your Fedora system.

What is the ps Command?

The ps command stands for “process status” and is used to list the currently running processes on a Linux system. It provides detailed information about each process, such as the process ID (PID), CPU and memory usage, status, and more. By default, ps displays information about processes owned by the current user.

How to Install ps on Fedora

Installing the ps command on Fedora is quite simple, as it is part of the procps-ng package. You can install it using the following command:

sudo dnf install procps-ng

Once the installation is complete, you can start using the ps command to monitor processes on your Fedora system.

Using the ps Command

Here are some common and useful options that you can use with the ps command:

  • ps aux: Displays a detailed list of all processes running on the system.
  • ps aux | grep <process_name>: Filters the processes based on a specific process name.
  • ps -e: Displays information about all processes, not just those owned by the current user.
  • ps -ef: Displays a full-format listing of all processes.

Experimenting with different options and combinations can help you tailor the output of the ps command to suit your specific needs.


In conclusion, the ps command is a fundamental tool for monitoring processes on a Linux system, including Fedora. By learning how to use ps, you can gain valuable insights into resource usage, troubleshoot performance issues, and manage running processes effectively. Make sure to explore the various options available to customize the output according to your requirements.

The Importance of Open Source Software

Open source software, like the ps command and the entire Linux ecosystem, plays a crucial role in promoting transparency, collaboration, and innovation in the technology industry. By sharing source code freely and allowing anyone to modify and distribute it, open source software empowers users to take control of their technology and fosters a culture of continuous improvement and knowledge sharing.

Embrace open source software and contribute to the community to help build a more inclusive and sustainable digital world.

Start exploring the power of ps and other open source tools today and unlock new possibilities for your Linux journey. Happy exploring!