systemctl command not found - Generic Linux

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How to Install systemctl Command on Generic Linux

If you are using a Generic Linux distribution and find that the systemctl command is not available, don’t worry. systemctl is a command-line utility that is used to manage system services in Linux. It allows you to start, stop, enable, disable, and check the status of services.

Why systemctl Command is Not Found

The absence of the systemctl command on your Generic Linux system may be due to the fact that some Linux distributions, especially older versions or minimal installations, do not include this utility by default.

Installation Steps

To install the systemctl command on your Generic Linux system, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check if systemctl is available: First, verify if the systemctl command is already installed on your system by running:

    systemctl --version

    If the command is not found, proceed to the next step.

  2. Install systemd: systemctl is part of the systemd package. To install systemd, use the package manager specific to your Linux distribution. For example, on Debian-based systems like Ubuntu, you can use:

    sudo apt install systemd

    If systemd is already installed, skip this step.

  3. Verify Installation: After installing systemd, confirm that systemctl is now available by running:

    systemctl --version

    You should see the version information if the installation was successful.

Compatibility with Non-Systemd Systems

For systems that do not use systemd as the init system, such as older versions of Linux or those using alternative init systems like SysVinit, OpenRC, or Upstart, the systemctl command is not compatible.

In such cases, you can use the specific commands provided by the init system in use to manage services. For example, on SysVinit systems, you can manage services using commands like service or chkconfig.


In summary, the systemctl command is a powerful tool for managing system services in Linux, but its availability may vary depending on the Linux distribution and the init system in use. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can ensure that systemctl is installed and ready to use on your Generic Linux system for efficient service management.