zsh command not found - Generic Linux

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How to Install zsh Command on Generic Linux

If you are using a Generic Linux distribution and find that the zsh command is not available, you can follow these steps to install it.


zsh is a powerful shell that offers advanced features and customization options compared to the standard shell (bash). It provides features like advanced tab completion, syntax highlighting, and plugin support, making it a popular choice among power users and developers.

Installation Steps

To install zsh on Generic Linux, you can use the package manager specific to your distribution. Here are the general steps:

  1. Update your package manager’s repository:

    sudo apt update    # For Debian-based systems
    sudo yum update    # For Red Hat-based systems
  2. Install zsh using the package manager:

    sudo apt install zsh    # For Debian-based systems
    sudo yum install zsh    # For Red Hat-based systems
  3. Set zsh as the default shell (optional):

    chsh -s $(which zsh)
  4. Start a new terminal session or reload the shell configuration to use zsh.

Compatibility Note

If any of the commands provided above are not compatible with your Generic Linux distribution, you may need to adjust the package manager commands based on the specific package manager used by your system.

For example, package manager commands on Arch Linux would be:

sudo pacman -Syu    # Update repository
sudo pacman -S zsh  # Install zsh


By following these steps, you should now have zsh installed and ready to use on your Generic Linux system. Enjoy the enhanced features and flexibility that zsh provides for your shell environment.