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How to Install and Use Zsh on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we will guide you through installing and using the zsh command on your Ubuntu system.


Zsh, short for Z Shell, is a powerful shell that offers more features and customization options compared to the traditional Bash shell. It provides advanced tab completion, syntax highlighting, and a variety of plugins that enhance your shell experience. By switching to Zsh, you can improve your productivity and efficiency when working in the terminal.

Installing Zsh on Ubuntu

To install Zsh on your Ubuntu system, you can use the following command:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install zsh

After the installation is complete, you can set Zsh as your default shell by running:

chsh -s $(which zsh)

You will need to log out and log back in for the changes to take effect.

Using Zsh

Once you have set Zsh as your default shell, you can start customizing it to suit your preferences. Zsh offers a wide range of configuration options that can be modified by editing the ~/.zshrc file. You can enable syntax highlighting, install plugins using frameworks like Oh My Zsh, and customize the prompt to display information in a way that is most useful to you.

To reload your Zsh configuration after making changes to the ~/.zshrc file, you can run:

source ~/.zshrc


In conclusion, Zsh is a versatile shell that can significantly improve your command-line experience on Ubuntu. By installing Zsh and exploring its features and customization options, you can streamline your workflow and become more efficient in your day-to-day tasks.

The Importance of Open Source Software

Open source software, like Zsh, plays a crucial role in the technology industry. It promotes collaboration, transparency, and innovation by allowing developers to access, modify, and distribute code freely. Open source projects often lead to the development of high-quality software that is accessible to a wide range of users. By supporting and contributing to open source projects, we can help drive progress and create a more inclusive and dynamic tech community.